
I am clearly going crazy

So, this year was the first season of So You Think You Can Dance Canada. One of my favourite shows out there. The dancers are absolutely amazing (I wanna be like them when I grow up). Unlike the Idol shows, these people are actually talented and the judges have productive things to say. I was a dedicated viewer this season and I definitely called Nico winning and Allie being runner up.

Enough with the prelude.... Here is the big news:

I AM GOING TO THE SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE CANADA TOUR!!!! On February 9th I will be in heaven for the evening!

Anyway, Christmas gatherings are finished and I am exhausted. I love my family, but I think this year I would make a bet that someone probably secretly made a plot to see how long we could make my gatherings. Christmas still will continue for me, though, until Jan 2nd when my sister and bro-in-law come up for St. Paul, MN for some quality time with us.

Also, watched episode 20 of The Hills... Spencer! Did I see a twinkle in your eye when you didn't force Heidi to marry you ghetto style in the court room?! Nice.


Merry Festivities

Today is the merry day of Christmas Eve. Apparently I bought my last present today in a mad rush. Well, not so mad, but I just absolutely hate going out shopping on days like this. Too many people not heeding to the traffic laws of malls. Seriously, do we need to stop in the middle of doorways when there clearly is a jam already??

I'm feeling in the Christmas mood...perhaps I will watch Love Actually. This, along with White Christmas, is in the list of the top movies for me to watch in the holidays.

Also, I think everyone should check out this band and listen to the best rendition of the song White Christmas ever: http://ca.myspace.com/amosthetransparent

Apparently my family is starting it off early here and eating alcoholic chocolates at 3 in the afternoon...my preference: chocolate filled with Bailey's. It is time.

Merry Christmas!



So apparently The Hills is a show that I have been missing out on. At my apartment I don't have cable, so I didn't get MTV to watch The Hills ever. Going home to my parents house for the Christmas holidays, I got excited that I had cable and would be able to see what I was missing out on for so long. Nope. Don't get MTV. My little heart was crushed. Then today, to my surprise, I came across CTV which by chance happened to be airing The Hills. Better yet, a total marathon of The Hills! Luckily I was feeling flu-ish so I had an excuse to lie around and watch it all day! HA! So now I can keep up with the latest of The Hills gossip. Haha.

By the way, I hate living where I do. Not far enough away from the city to call it "soooo far" but just far enough away that I have to plan the trips out there and not be able to make lots of events because of it (and not having my own car)!