
cozy blankets

Apparently I can't avoid anything lately when it comes to sickness.  I had the stomach flu a couple of weeks ago and now I'm fighting tooth & nail to not get the full blown strep throat and/or sinus cold that're going around. My tonsils are a little swollen so I've been forced to revert back to my Mono tactics: hot water with honey, soup, and laying on the couch with a couple of cozy blankets and a movie (Narnia's on tv right now).

Good thing I have a redeemable massage from Giselle's from my man for Christmas!  Oooo boy!


i'm dreaming of a white christmas

Well, I realize that this is already a few days overdue, but my limited time off for Christmas was spent with family & loved ones.  I had a great Christmas and was very grateful for all of the things I received.  I always wish I could spend so much more on gifts on people, but unfortunately life's finances never seem to allow it.

It was weird how there was nearly no snow on the ground for Christmas Day!  Watching White Christmas was almost parallel; the four main characters head to Vermont: "it should be beautiful this time of year, all that snow!" but arrive to an extension of fall...but at the end of the movie it snows...it didn't in Manitoba.  I'm not complaining that we've had a mild December thus far, but Christmas isn't supposed to be a crunchy brown.  I accept it though.  Christmas doesn't come in snowflakes.

*Merry Belated Christmas!*


a christmas story

Since it's nearly Christmas time, I figured this video was fitting.  A friend posted it on facebook and I actually thought it was pretty cute & cleverly done. The third wiseman is hilarious.

And Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends today!

*Christmas Countdown: 5 days!*


christmas tree

It officially feels like Christmas my roommates and my little cabin in the city!!

It's ridiculous how much a Christmas tree (a real one at that) can raise the spirits of someone.  The night of setting up the tree was followed by Christmas presents getting wrapped, my favourite movie playing on the tv (Love Actually), candles burning, and the Lindeman wine bottle nearly drained...  *le sigh*

Our motto for the season which we wrote on the whiteboard:
Christmas Season, Peaceful spirits

*Christmas Countdown: 13 days*


17 days

After a long day at work it's nice to come home and just kick up your heels.  It's also nice to chat on the phone with somebody you like...

I'm so excited for Christmas!  I've only bought one present so far (ewps) but I have a feeling I'll come across a day (Lord willing, soon) where I feel completely motivated and get a good chunk of it done.  The most difficult thing is narrowing it down to one thing that you really want to get someone- that's all the budget allows.  Roommate and I decided to get a Christmas tree (I know it's kind of late, but better late than never) so I bought some decorations at Zellers that were cheap as borscht at $2.99 for a box of 12- and they're actually pretty classy.  Good job Zellers.  I also can't wait to stuff my face with apricot oatmeal cookies....(mom, can you make some?).

What else is nice?  Pay day Fridays.

*Christmas Countdown: 17 days*