
vampire wednesday

Today was my date with my mumsie to a 'surprise' destination....

We went to go see Dracula at the Centennial Concert Hall put on by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet!
I absolutely love going to the ballet and was so excited that my hunch of where we were going was right. It was such a dark and gothic story (many gothic clad audience members...one donned a black miniature top hat avec a veil), but they were able to slide some humour into it as well when they started the second half off by dancing to a humorous narrated synopsis. The special effects were also very impressive with people appearing and disappearing and even being able to have a person shishkabobed on a stake with it standing vertical. The costuming was also lovely. They were selling sketches of the costume design on the mezzanine during the intermission, they would have looked great on my wall...
(My view at the show)
We ended the night with a little stop at Starbucks for some Chai Lattés. Mmmm...
Thanks, mama, for a great night and being a terrific date!

(For real, I'd be okay with getting some super classy binoculars like in the 30s for when I go to the shows...)

Anyway, I've finished three days at my new job at Moulé and I think I will like this job, which is great considering the first few days/weeks at new jobs are always the worst. Lots to learn though yet...


what did you do this weekend?

The weekend is coming to a close and I got a lot of things done- at least it feels like I did. Directly after my 2nd last shift at the country club Friday night, I took off to Winklertown and made it home just before midnight.

Off to bed it was for me because the next morning I got up early to head over to my old high school to play in an alumni showdown against the current varsity girls volleyball team. We called ourselves the "Zodi-aches" (a clever play on the actual team name "Zodiacs") even though another girl and I were clearly the oldest ones there. It was so much fun to get back on the court (and almost pack a youngen in the face...oops) even though I knew I would undoubtedly be ridiculously sore after (which I am in the shoulder blade area...but I like it). I went on a self tour of my old stomping ground that brought back a lot of memories. Can't say I really miss it. The odd place had some fond nostalgia: the music room, the gym, & the chem lab (weird, I know).

After that fun fest was over, I spent the rest of the day hanging out with my dad doing "manly things". First up on the docket, change the oil in my car. Lots of engine gazing after that: learning what fluid goes where. Next, clean out my car and fill the tires with air (I wore my new Doc Martens the whole time to get into my grunge side). We took the time after all that to sit in the living room...and polish my leather Doc's (they're not legit Doc's, but pretty darn close).

I guess I was feeling pretty motivated, cuz I ended up sewing a few pairs of pants as well (no fresh starts, just some edits, don't think my domestic skills are quite that high yet).

I dashed home early this morning to make it for our dear Jennie's "Shabby Chic" wedding shower. Lovely party that your aunt threw, my dear (loved the Alice theme). Who knew having so much crap in my purse could do me any good! ;)

Off to my first day on the new job tomorrow morning....


this just in

I know, two posts in one day but NYLON Magazine has an online blog and segment called "Tag!" where readers can send in pictures of public graffiti from around the world. I sent one in and they posted it on their blog!! What up!!? CHECK IT OUT!

it is coming!...

I'm a bit of a nerd (really, we all know that). So when I came across the trailer for the newest Harry Potter film due to come out on November 19, I got a little ecstatic. I've started re-reading the entire series of seven books in preparation for the final instalment. I think the movie makers realized they bombed hard on the last film (Half Blood Prince) so they had a lot to make up for, hence, the final movie is coming out in two parts with the second part coming out next June.
Call me 12 or whatever, but how can you not find JK Rowlings creativity captivating!? (Not to mention some really fantastic actors are in it).
Will you go see it??

Anyway- not that I minded the rain (I could really live in London), but now that it's cleared it's time for a run.

Fun Fact of the day: It was my mum's birthday yesterday. Happy belated birthday! We're going on a date next Wednesday. She won't tell me where we're going!


new job!

So we all know that I really wasn't enjoying my job as a server (big surprise), but today I officially handed in my resignation as I sealed a new job today!
I will now be working at the New York style boutique Moulé on Academy Road! I am so excited to take on this new (challenging) position next week. In my interview, I was told about the store, what was expected of me, and basically how it was actually kind of a tough position to get especially considering it's a family owned business (but she seemed to really like me- saweet!). Like I said, it's going to be challenging but I am totally ready to try this out! Selling expensive clothes, visual merchandising, and social media updating (facebook page, pictures of the merch, etc.) will be part of my duties (plus I never work past 6pm).
Now- just need to go do some shopping...


the british grove in the neighbourhood

Tubby's was a restaurant that used to be on the corner of Grosvenor and Stafford. It was closed down and re-opened as the new pub & restaurant called The Grove. The owner had spent many years in England and really wanted to open something similar to what is a way of life for Brits for Winnipegers: a neighbourhood pub. Enter, The Grove with a menu that includes the classics like Fish & Chips or Bangers & Mash. It's got a simple interior that some might find boring, but I it found really quite quaint and comfortable yet chic. Considering I plan on traveling to England at some point in my life and I loved being at The Grove, I think I could get used to England's way of life...
I'll be going there again.

(Not to mention I've really been getting into Coronation Street on my spare time...I know my mum'll love that).
Wedding #6 coming up this Saturday...Stay tuned, dears.



phantom trains

It's the weekend, how are you going to spend it...or have spent it? Me? I'm staying low key (after a staff and bday bash that happened tonight). I can't make it out to Winklertown for a farewell fire that some friends are having for a couple of dudes...I just am not a fan of spending the gas for a day trip (I work early the next morning) as much as I'd like to go.

Here's a random thought for Friday:
I realized today that one of the most annoying things ever is when you're in the shower and that dirty, nasty shower curtain keeps puffing into you with the water pressure and sticks to your leg. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about- unless you have slidey doors, then you're pardoned.

Also another annoying thing? When people mention annoying things about something that you never would have thought about...until that point of mentioning....then it haunts you like a Billy Bob Thornton character!

Ok, so what if we try to comprise a giant list of those little annoyances that nobody thinks about, but when you do, you realize how annoying they really are!

Leave a comment with your input on this list, let's see how many we can get!
(The title of the blog has nothing to do with annoyances...other than trains thundering past my house umpteen times per day).

Fun Fact of the day: I got a package from my sister in ALASKA today!!!! Oh my goodness, the delight in me when the Canada Post guy came to my door for ME. You can bet, Andi, that you will be getting a mailbox stuffer too in return :)


i'm here

A few weeks ago, I was talking with a media friend of mine and he sent me a link to the newest short film by Spike Jonze (the guy who also directed Where the Wild Things Are, which was fantastic by the way).

This latest cut is called I'm Here. The realism in the relation of these robots (yes, robots) to our human world is so, so clever. I always love how there are certain people out there who seem to get their "creative" right.

So, brew some java and spare about 30 minutes to check it out!


september my september, is there any other way?

Went to the Club Regent Casino last night. I can honestly say that, as I walked in and saw the HUGE sea of slot machines at least 75% filled (on a Tuesday!), my emotions were sad. I felt sad for the people who sit there for hours, wasting money away (I drained $5 quite quickly), hoping that their 'technique' will work on a machine-of-chance and have their lives changed like in the movies.

It just baffles me.

Although it was fun to think about being in Ocean's 11 while walking through.

Also on the positive, my girl MEGHAN is back from Ontario (who was my company to the Casino). Which means....it's September, my other favourite month of the year! However, it's different this year than any other. It's hurting me to see all these people going back to school. I want to go back to school...*sigh* Yes, we Reimer girls have always been a little weird. I'll have to learn (<--ha, pun) to deal with a school-less September, let alone year, for the first time since my pre-school days!

I'll consider this past week's shopping spree my pseudo "back to school" shopping. Maybe I'll go buy some crisp new pencil crayons too.