
homeward bound (remember that movie??)

It's official!

I've got a place to live in the city for the year! Kind of stumbled upon this place by chance. I had a friend living in the city with two roommates this past year. I randomly decided to text and ask to see if she was still living there and looking for a roommate. Turns out I totally forgot that one of her roommates was getting married this summer and would be moving out conveniently in May! So, I will be living with two music students (one of whom actually knows my sister). Lucky for me, I am used to people practicing their scales, aria's, & full throttle vocal exercises around me since my sister is another child of the music department (and a cussin' good one at that).

Now to find a job...

Speaking of familia, it's EASTER this weekend and I've got a few family gatherings coming up and I cannot wait for my healthy dose of paska! I love Easter. One of my favourite holidays.
Ok, I don't have anything else very interesting to write about.

Fun Fact of the day: I'm tight with the school president here, Gus. He knows my dad and knows me. He speaks Hebrew and can translate it on the spot as he reads it aloud. Just knows literature inside and out. I always like to compare him with an elephant, just big and wise.

Yet, he always calls me Jenna with such confidence. So funny.


let's go have a drink and smoke a cigarette

Magazine update-- Theatre article: DONE. Cover photo shoot: DONE. Dance article photo shoot: DONE. Progress: yes!

Apparently 8:30-9:30 tonight is Earth Hour (turn your lights off for an hour)...so...right now! I decided to partake in this event, so here I sit in my kitchen in the dark, on my computer. Is my "lights out" act veto'd by my use of a computer? Hope not...

By the way, I don't smoke cigarette's. The title's just a quote from the movie I watched today, The Darjeeling Limited, that I found amusing. What a relaxing movie.


i love grocery trips

Wow, this has been a crazy week! I had been working like MAD on a big 30 minute presentation for my Hermeneutics class (that's the study of interpretation) that I did today. I spent Monday evening, all day Tuesday and pretty much most of Wednesday working on this thing. It sure paid off though! I did my presentation today on the cultural use of the Bible this morning and had 3 discussions questions prepared for the end. However, only needed the first question as the class was in debate for so long on it that we couldn't even get to the others. I like that. Even got some feedback from a little birdy saying that the prof said I did a great job. Shoot that feels good to be done with.
I also finally got into town to get some desperately needed groceries! I've been so hungry... So that cheered me right up. I went in with my friends Meg-o and Miguel and on the ride home, my happiness just got boosted EVEN higher when Mig put on a song that I (along with my volleyball teammates from 3 years ago) had been killing ourselves trying to remember the name of cuz it was a major pump up for our season!! Helloooo "Conteo"!! Thank YOU Miguel!

We then made a pit stop at Timmy Ho's for some rrrrrroll up the rrrrrim to make our day even better with a win, and you guessed it--

I did not win.

I am not bitter. My record is 0-1, so I've got a few more tries before I start pulling my hair out....

Off to do an interview for my magazine in a bit here, things are slowly taking shape (and it's a good thing since I only have 3 weeks left to complete this bad boy). I'm also doing the cover shoot as well as the dance article shoot tomorrow, so I hope it all turns out as I want it to...

Fun Fact of the day: It's confirmed, I've been asked to sing at my friends wedding in June....as she walks down the aisle! No pressure! Song: Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan (although she knows it as Adele's song). If only I knew how to play guitar...


hockey sticks, jumper cables, & "tom"

I am happy to report mission "Ergo Fargo" was a success! Jennie, Elise, & I took off Friday afternoon for this booming metropolis *cough* in search of sales, Super 8's, and spikes!
(Best photo I could get of the both of us...)

Sales-- We shopped. We bought. We conquered. Our budgets didn't even take that bad of a beating! And let's just say Vera Wang's affordable line at Kohl's was a bit of a let down to say the least...............Jen.... For the next little while, all of you who come across me will be part of the game What are you wearing that's new!? How's that sound? You may be thinking we gave up food in order to save for the mall/Target/Kohl's etc. Nope. We did not. We ate. We're just good at what we do.

Super 8's-- Another reason why our budget was so stellar: $136 for two nights? Not bad! Continental breakfast, free wi-fi, two pools, comfortable and clean rooms (with an endless marathon of "Cake Boss" on TLC), & best yet: no groupies.

Spikes-- Other main objective of the trip: watching the Prov guys play some Volleyball at their Conference tourney. That was a lot of volleyball. A lot. What was it...5 games on Saturday and 3 straight games today? They played awesome, but unfortunately didn't come home with the title placing 2nd. But heck, they worked hard, one set even went up to 37-35! It was fun to watch and support in a classy style...
Subpoint-- We're lucky with our timing of the trip too! Water was covering the highways today! On the way home, travelling South was a bit more backed up than going North, phewf. Oh, and we didn't even get directionally confused that bad...thanks for whispering those sweet nothings in our ears "Tom". Also- the 3 of us even participated in Moustache March in our own special way...
BEST quotes of the weekend!!:
"I love balancing a hockey stick on my hand. It feels so good." - Jen

"Take the best day of your life...put it in your mouth." - Josh F. in response to the question of how his burger was.

Stay tuned to Lennios blog for more info!!


fyi, it's daylight savings

Wow, long time blogless. I guess not much to opinion-ate on. My sisters birthday was yesterday (lub u!), so I took her out for brunch at Stella's and spent the day browsing the Os strip. We stumbled across an absolutely hilarious book and made a video of it, but I don't think it's appropriate to post up here.... Also went out for supper with the fam to a place called Casa Grande, a little Italian place on Sargent that looks like a DIVE on the outside, but a sweet authentic wine cellar feel on the inside (with a Lady and the Tramp inspired table set up). Ah-mazing. (Except my drink tasted like coffee and cough medicine poured together. Seriously.) This was followed by a dessert trip to Baked Expectations.
Side note-- I should note that I faired better through the Shutter Island experience than the guy at the back of the theatre who let out a solid YELP.

Now I sit here avoiding doing homework, thinking about the apartment I don't have, the job I really want and have the potential of getting (if I could figure out how to re-write my resume without my dads coaching cuz my original is on my parents computer), and the pretty new dress hanging in my closet (to name a few off-hand). All I want to do is run around in the GORGEOUS spring-ness outside!! I left my place Thursday night: the river behind my house was still snow covered. Come back Friday night: a flowing river has reappeared! Even found the first dumb fly in my room.

Magazine update:: I've made a good dent in my restaurant review (thanks for the input Jennie). Doing a "Hot Spots of Winnipeg" shtick. Makes me hungry for some fine dinin' & winin'. Have my interview scheduled with the theatre instructor here for my theatre article and my cover photo shoot will happen the 26th! Still so much to do though... Eyyy!

Fun Fact of the day: In the past 3 days, I have seen both Caroline Barghout and Maralee Caruso (CTV News anchors). Gord and Sylvia: still m.i.a.


geek status

If anyone's seen or heard of the show "Big Bang Theory" you'll know it's a sitcom full of nerds (4, in fact). We're talking mathematical equation solving, video game obsessed nerds. I don't normally watch this show, but I did tonight. Today, the episode was about the One Ring from LOTR (Lord of the Rings for all you who don't know). Ya know, that one ring that rules them all?? Okay, so I loved this episode because I love LOTR and they were quoting lines from the movie and I just loved it. It was hilarious! Okay, I know admitting this makes me a huge nerd, but I do not care (a nerd who's had extended edition marathons with her sisters all...day...long...). Anyway, I just thought I'd share a little bit of my geek status...

In other news, I want one of these! I love caffeine and I love sweaters. So why not a coffee sweater!:
Ooo, also watched the Academy Awards on Sunday. I wanted Meryl Streep to win Best Actress (I love her) and Colin Firth to win Best Actor (I love him).

Fun Fact of the day: I'm done basketball now. I have so much free time. Wowza!


on the checklist

One major photo shoot: done. Jennie and I got together and did my fashion spread of Black magazine. It was a lot of fun. I really could get used to it...
Next on the docket: restaurant review! Anyone wanna go out for a bite?
The hot seat.



My mom works at my old high school, so I had asked her if she could stealthily get me an old band vintage sweater from storage from the 70s-80s! She didn't need stealth, she simply asked the band instructor [who loved me when I was there] for it and BAM I got a sweet-ass sweater!
I also found my dad's old pipe in his workshop. There's something about a pipe [and the musty smell of it] that just inspires me haha. So I had some fun with it. I'm not trying to be pretentious or anything by posting these.
I'm going to incorporate these photos into Black Magazine, so it's not like I'm just wasting time taking these photos haha [I would not call myself a photographer at all]. I'm just giving you all a sneak preview.

Post script-- I'm so sick of my blog template.

Fun Fact of the day: Now this is going to be fun for all of you who know CAM-BAM (thank ya ma'am). You see that picture of just the pipe? Well, it's inspired by the famous picture "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" which means "This is not a pipe". Hm, sound familiar? This is not Cam? You just ask him where he thought of the name for his blog...