
gotta get a move on

I've been putting packing & cleaning off for far too long. Today is crunch time (so why am I blogging??). I went to see a Gilbert & Sullivan production in Winnipeg last night at the Pantages Playhouse Theatre- spur of the moment. This week I've also been using the fitness centre here while I can (goodbye free gym membership...). But today, I MUST get down to business (especially since I'm hanging out with some friends tonight). Tomorrow's bridesmaid dress shopping with my sister and saturday is a wedding shower in Wink-town for a friend. Sunday is move day.

Come on Jillian...


i'm educated

Yesterday marks the day I officially graduated from Prov...cap & gown, diplomas, and all. The events all started off with a grad banquet on Saturday and then yesterday (Sunday) was the actual ceremony. It kind of hit me at one point during the ceremony how I'm done, but still kind of feels weird. I'm still living at my apartment for the week, so it'll be a bit of an adjustment with nobody around (then I move to Winnipeg May 2). O Lordy, I hate saying goodbye to friends!
(Look, proof!)

Into the summer/life I go. Now I have to find a job, pack & move, find a city league to play in, look into more courses, etc. I'm done school, I thought the stress was supposed to be over!! (Kidding...I'm not that ignorant hah). I have the STARS concert to look forward to right now too! (SO pumped, all of you who are going too..you know who you are!) I also have EIGHT weddings to attend before the end of the year and I also plan on road-tripping or jetting out to Toronto at some point this summer...maybe May with a couple friends (getting time off from the job I don't have yet is also a concern...).

Let summer commence!

Fun Fact of the day: At Freshair Boutique this past Thursday, they were celebrating Earth Day so I got free martini's while I got my hurr did :)


a winning milestone

It's my 100th post!! You'd think I would have reached that milestone already having started this blog awhile back... I guess I don't have that many exciting things to talk about. However, I think it is quite fitting that my one-hundreth post is, in fact, a celebration of the fact that I WON a rrrroll up the rrrrrim yesterday (1/5)!!! See proof beloowwwww (je gagnez un cafe!!):
Please excuse my gross studying hair. Journalism exam= FINITO this morning! And I think I did pretty good. So, what this means is that all I have left is a minor quiz tomorrow...on POWERPOINT....worth 20% of my grade. What!? An excellent way to finish a college career I think haha.




Earlier this week, I received a text from my dad saying him and my mom went for a ride to BP's. Yay...exciting...? (I guess so........) So I responded about something to do with me having pizza for supper as well (which I did). Response from my dad was "but we went for....a ride..." Sounds like code, yes?

I ended up going to Wink-town this weekend and when I pulled up, I decided to settle my hunch: I went up to our garage and peered through the window. There she sat. Goldie, as my dad calls it, an '81 Honda Goldwing motorcycle! My dad frickin' got a MOTORCYCLE!!? Sa-weet!!

Obviously I got my dad to take me out for a spin STAT (which meant the next morning cuz it was late when I got home). We took it to Smitty's for breakfast (where I spoke at some breakfast thing put on by Prov's prez, Gus) then we decided to take Goldie out on the open highway! Amazzzzing!! I even donned my mom's old 70's vintage leather jacket to really get into the role of lady in the "bitch seat" (that's what it's called, I didn't make it up haha).

As the wind whipped across my face, all I could do was smile SO big and laugh. My dad officially gained a new brotherhood: as other bikers passed on the opposite side of the 4-laner, they did the "Hello brother, I see you and affirm you" wave that bikers do to each other! We went out for another spin that night and everywhere we went, all bikers seemed to give us "the wave" or "the nod". We were officially in the club. I seriously could have put music to it and it would have made the most incredible music video!

My dad's always wanted a bike and has had his license since his teens, and his wish finally came true. My dad's no "Chopper" or "Harley" dude or anything (he plays the flute!), but now I know why people drive them. It's so freeing!



BLACK Magazine

As promised, here is your very own digital copy of BLACK Magazine:


thanks for the memories

Last night was the athletic banquet at Prov and it was great! I can't believe my four years as a Freeman are finally over. I still remember G-bo hassling me to play basketball, and I can't imagine what my life would be like had I said no. I don't care if this is all sappy, but I seriously want to thank all of you who were a part of my Freeman experience whether playing with me or watching. I love you all so much. Wah, I cried during the athletic vid that Cam-Bam put together. I get so emotional thinking about those times.
Speaking of endings, I had my very last college class today too and I have no more assignments left to do, just 2 exams. Definitely a weird feeling knowing I won't be in those classrooms again. Not gonna lie, I am going to miss learning. Assignments/exams, not so much. But I like learning new things. Sue me. I'm going to definitely look into more media centred classes.

Speaking of media...guess what just released. You got it, BLACK Magazine officially came hot off the presses yesterday. I can't believe I'm done it! It was so much fun to make! I am seriously considering looking into courses along the lines of this. I hope all of you that got your copy enjoy it (it's okay if you hate it, though).
For those of you who didn't get a hard copy, sorry but I can't afford to make so many haha. BUT...stay tuned to my blog for a release of a DIGITAL COPY!

Here's just a little behind the scenes enjoyment for you:


i know pseudo-famous people

Yesterday I got to go see Royal Canoe live with Manny, Cam, & Eric and his two friends. Wow, I really love them live...and the band too! Ha...? But yeah, it was awesome!

Anyway, after the concert, I got Manny and Cam to model up and pose for a fake band advertisement on the BDI bridge that I am making for BLACK. Stay tuned for an iTunes release from West Van, the latest duo to emerge from Winnipeg who are bound to make it big!...
Thanks for the fun night ya'll!

Fun Fact: Cam's editing the Prov Athletic Sports Video right here in front of me and I have enough self control to NOT look at the screen as to spoil it for the banquet night. *pats self on the back*



So..so...so..soooooo so so much....so much paska. But not too much. Never too much. End of story. Now that that's covered, Happy Easter! I am so full of Easter meals. My one gathering, we dad a Moroccan themed meal (we do interesting things like that every now and then). That was a new flavour experience for my palette (although I'm very familiar with couscous which tastes so good). It was cool to be with family again.

Anyway, I forgot to mention something that happened this past week. Last Monday, a guy in one of my classes was doing his 30 min presentation. I had the I'm-really-not-in-the-mood-for-classes type attitude. He began his presentation and within the first couple minutes, I began to feel anxious by the fact that said guy seemed absolutely stuck on one word: "uhm..." I notice things like this. When people use "like" or "uhm" excessively when speaking (I use "like" too much when I get excited, I know). So the first 5 minutes, I was just getting annoyed by his ridiculous use of the word "uhm" every couple of seconds...seriously (this was on top of my "down with classes" attitude). I started dreading the fact that I'd have to go through 30 minutes of his uhm-ing and uhh-ing. But then I decided to make the best of the situation! I casually pulled out a piece of paper and pen and began to take a tally of how many times he said uhm or uhh. My actions caught the attention of the two guys behind me (Dante and Kaiten) who would every so often prod for an update with a slight stifle of laughter (I suppose what
I was doing could potentially have been distracting, but the prof was sitting right nearby and didn't notice).
Well, I'm sure you're dying to know my final tally by the end of 30 minutes (this is NOT including the first 5 min, btw).


It's true. Said peer said uhm/uhh 200+ times in his presentation (plus another 30-40 in the time I didn't record).
Needless to say, someone needs a class in Public Speaking.

Back to classes for another week. BLACK is looking good....

Fun Fact: I've realized I really like international pop music. Korea, Armenia, Afghanistan, Greece, you name it. Ha!