
h-n-y twenty ten

Plans changed, and I am staying in Minneapolis for the New Years, so all hundreds of you who invited me to parties and shin-digs, please...stop.....

I'll update "ya'll" on my trip when I get back to Canada-land. But for now I say:



fröhliches weihnachten!

Here's one for you: what falls from a significant height, smashes your foot, and causes instant pain, bruising, and a bump?

No no, it's a frozen block of cream cheese.

That's just the beginning of my Christmas festivities! Christmas was quite different this year. Sister #1 and the bro-in-law couldn't make it out to Canada for the holidays this year and sister #2 couldn't come in from Winnipeg until this morning, so my Christmas Eve felt interesting: I had no siblings to spend my Xmas eve with this year... But sister #2 came home this morning with her boyfriend and we did the whole gifty thing with a huge supper feast in the evening that my gran's came over for as well.

By the way, my dad used a real knife to carve the turkey in case you were wondering (insert slow clap here)...

Despite sister #1 not being here, my family and I are going down to visit them in Minneapolis/St. Paul. So, with the (American) cash gift from my parents and a U.O. at my finger tips at the MOA........you can imagine the rest.

Now, what to do for New Years.... Any suggestions? Invites? Exciting events you can dangle in front of me?


home again

Well, this girl's back at her parents place for the holidays, but only after a weekend of FUN!

Yesterday was Patti and Graham's wedding which was one of the BEST weddings I've been to (I haven't been to many, but still..). It was so great just hanging out and dancing with everyone. I think going to bed at 3am after a huge party, party (thanks Manny for getting that in my head ha) takes a toll on someone who's sick as I was out cold until my parents called me in the morning...wait...it was 12:30..

As we speak my mum has chicken noodle soup brewing on the stove ready to heal my little self. Although I think the two cookies I ate already started the process, they are my favourite: oatmeal apricot with icing glaze....don't judge it before you try it.
Fun (random) Fact of the day: For some reason, I've always wanted an I ♥ NYC t-shirt. I plan on making this dream happen one day. Unless someone wants to get me one :)




Well, I can officially say that I have completed my last assignment of my semester before the Christmas break. Sent it into the prof approximately 10 minutes ago! Shoot- that feels good. I can't say that I'm home free yet since there are 3 exams waiting to destroy my life (boooo). Nah, I'll show them...

I can't wait for the break to officially start. It has been so crazy these last few weeks that I've just slowly been shutting down. It's sometimes really difficult to get into the swing of Christmas out in the boonies here. I make my small attempts tho. I put up my xmas lights last week (they make my cozy little home COZIER!), I ate a candy cane yesterday (it was definitely old and and soft, but still delish), and I've already listened thru all of Handel's Messiah and John Michael Talbot's christmas album (he's a monk, laugh, but I just love it haha).

Every Christmas, my 2 sisters, mom, and I watch White Christmas together (normally my oldest sister Andrea makes homemade eggnog which is way better than bought anyday). I've got a few songs from the movie on my iTunes, except they're recorded by Bette Midler...if anyone knows who that is haha. One of the songs is practically my sisters and my theme song....it's called....."Sisters." Sister #2 and I actually sang it at sister #1's wedding reception for kicks a few years back. So good haha.

Anyway, I can't wait to go home and eat all sorts of hors d'oeuvres with the fam.

Gotta start my xmas shopping...crap.


hobs 2.0

So, remember when I said I needed a new hobby? Well, this evening I attempted something with my buddy Ruth....I painted! haha. Definitely tried to set the mood to let the artist in me blossom: had some chill music, scented candle burning, and had a glass of wine. Let me just say, my skills need to be honed a bit better (aka I paint like crap), but here's my feeble attempts at bringing out the Picasso, Rembrandt, O'Keefe, and Monet out in me: