
sweet disposition

This song by the band The Temper Trap was on the soundtrack for the movie "500 Days of Summer" and I love it. It is best played in one's iPod pumping while walking in the dark through the woods on a deserted, snowy road lit only by the moon...purely hypothetical......................

But seriously.



Just a funny moment I just barely had: as I sat here fb-ing, a song came on my iTunes shuffle that happens to be my ringtone on my phone. I jumped up and got all excited that I had a phone call!

A disappointing, yet hilarious, false alarm.

Ah well, at least I got to hear the whole song rather than just the first 30 seconds of it.


such is life

Really long time since I've posted! Life's been busy, what can I say! You probably are wondering how my previously hyped up trip to Florida went! Well, I'm not telling you.....

Nah, I'm kidding.

It was good. In terms of volleyball, I was a little disappointed with the outcome. We ended up placing 6th out of 10 (boo). I honestly believed we should have made at least top 4. But we did manage to pull off a win against the 3rd ranked team (a team from Kentucky). The last game was an emotional loss for me, being finished my volleyball career and all after four years with my team and having gone into that game completely, and whole-heartedly believing that we'd continue onto the next day (only top 4 teams could continue on after round robin). So, having my hopes dashed kind of sucked...a lot. BUT, I'm okay. Life goes on, I had fun, I got to go to Nationals in my final year....in Florida! Florida was wonderful. I lovd the sun, the beach, the fresh air, the bronzing of my skin...in mid-November.
Now, onto the next part 0f my post: Lights! Yep, I went to the Canadian artist Lights concert. I'm going to be honest, this summer a co-worker of mine was obsessed with her and I could not help but tease. But, I got the album and actually quite enjoyed it. So, a few of us (Manny, Jennie, and Cam) ended up going to the concert in Winnipeg last night. Maybe Manny will put up some videos that he recorded? She's not my favourite artist of all time, but the concert was pretty sweet! I liked the opening band too, Jets Overhead. I could appreciate them in my Shuffle Perfection playlist. I'll tell you that when my song "Face Up" came on, I got a little.....a lot...excited, kind of like the battalion of teeny-boppers there (with their little copy-cat Lights headbands). Ironically, she wasn't even wearing a headband at the concert last night. Teeny-boppers didn't get the memo. Lights team, how many headband-ers did we actually end up counting?? 712? 713?

Give or take a few...
But now it is back to school, homework, and (now that volleyball is over) basketball.

C'est la vie.