
o, to have been there...

Well, I did it.  I woke up at 3am to watch the Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton who are now known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.  Both of my sisters were online with me so we 3-way chatted as we watched the whole event and I also had my mom on the line via text.  Here are some photos of the event and fun facts:
 The most amazing dress.  Designed by Sarah Burton for the House of Alexander McQueen.  I actually couldn't get over how beautiful she looked and how perfect that dress is.  I'm such a lace fan and this was absolutely stunning.  The tiara she wore was actually the one given to the Queen Mum by King George VI (The King's Speech anyone?).
 One of the sexiest cars in the world.  Hello Rolls Royce!  If I could have one, I would.  This is a classic style one, they also had some more modern ones which were equally as sexy.
 The Royal family on the balcony; a famous and epic scene.
Almost every woman donned a hat and the men all wore "morning suits"....so dapper!  Most the fashions were incredible...but I was a little thrown by the "Gaga" inspired hats of Princess Beatrice and Princess Euginie (cousins to Prince William and Harry).  They kind of reminded me of the evil step sisters from Cinderella; I'm sure they're very nice girls though... :)
 As Kate came down the aisle, Will had his back to her and could not see her.  Harry peeked back and leaned over and whispered something to William.  Turns out he whispered "Wait til you see her..."  How cute is that!?  When Kate arrived next to Will (in the arm of her very proud looking dad), William leaned over and whispered "I love you.  You look beautiful."  *Swoon!*  These phrases were both not audible on the tele, but hearing impaired people who can lip read were on the ball with letting us all know what was being said!
They're married!!!

 The long awaited SNOG, a tradition started by Prince Charles and Lady Di.  William stole two kisses.  (Ha- check out the little munchkin on the bottom left...what a trooper).

Anyway, I was so excited to have watched history in the making.  Seriously, they're going to be in the textbooks of kids in the far future!!


a night to remember

I dunno about you, but I find anything to do with the Royals and their lifestyle so fascinating.  I am by all means waking up at 3am tonight to watch Prince William and Kate Middleton tie the knot!  Ooooo boy, I'm pumped!
What's your opinion?


i do wish these were real

As a lot of you know, I am a huge Harry Potter fan.  I mentioned on a previous post that I was re-reading the series in preparation for the final film installment.  I didn't quite finish all of them in time for the first part of the final movie (no matter, I still know what happens), but I am currently finishing up in time for the second part in June (about halfway through The Half Blood Prince right now).  So it's no wonder that considering I have all the time in the world right now to browse the great wide web (see previous post for reason why), this is one of my favourite blog posts I stumbled upon recently:


on the third day

He is risen!

Happy Easter to you all!  Today is a good day.
On a less exciting note, I've spent/been spending my Easter with, not tonsillitis, but with Mono.  Yup- got a blood test on Wednesday and it's official.  I think I picked it up from a past roommate who had it and it stayed dormant in my system until now (which is typical).

Despite this, I don't let it ruin my Easter!  Bring on the festivities (with a few naps in between)!


via dolorosa

Sick, once again.  This time, tonsillitis.  The perk of being unemployed at the present time: I don't have to worry about calling in sick.  I love sleeping on and off all day when I'm not feeling good.  But thanks to Advil Cold & Sinus, I've been feeling slightly on the uprise since yesterday.  I've abandoned the darkness of my room and had the window open all day; love the fresh air.  Not better, but getting better!

And not a moment too soon...

It's almost Easter!  I love Easter.  I enjoy the family gatherings with all kinds of goodness for my taste buds and tummy to discover, including Easter Bread (aka Paska).  I think, just like many other of our religious holidays, we tend to become lax in the reason for it.  Guilty.  I know we hear this all the time ("the reason for the season"), but it really is true.  Despite the fact that I love paska and Mini-Eggs, I want to be impacted by Christ beating death.  Death, people.  I know it's still quite Hollywood and Mr Gibson isn't exactly riding at the top right now, but his movie The Passion of the Christ kind of helped make some of what Jesus went through more realistic; it was horrible!  I bawled my eyes out when I saw it in theatres- not just because it's theatrical effects made it good, but for its ability to make me realize the Truth in it.  I don't want it to have to take a movie to make me appreciative of my blessings.  I don't mean to get all preachy, but this blog should be more than a bunch of pretty pictures if I'm to reveal myself through it.

That's just a piece of my brain I've placed in your hands...so, there it is...

(Nap time)



Went to see the movie Hanna yesterday.  It hasn't been incredibly publicized, but it should have been!  I loved the young actress Saoirse Ronan ever since I saw her in Atonement; she was incredible in job in this movie as well.  Not to mention the all-stars Cate Blanchett and Eric Bana who starred along side her.  You should really all go see this great story about humanity:
On a different note, I actually finally bit the bullet and got that membership at the gym like I mentioned.  I can't believe I dropped that money when I'm already poor as it is.  However, I always find that I work out longer and/or harder, or just more productively, when I have a gym to motivate me.  Plus, I'm happier when I feel fit & healthy!  Maybe keep me accountable that the money was well spent....


the smell of old books

 I was bored and needed to get out, so I went for a walk (after a lunch of salad and homemade bread courtesy of my sister).  Went through the Assiniboine Park then across Portage to an antique shop then over to Joe Black's Coffee Bar for smoothies and latté's (and a break from the dusty wind).



I'm back!  Apologies for the unannounced hiatus I took from my blog.  Sometimes you need a break, comes with the territory of being human.

I'll share some pictures with you that have been camping in my "Pics I like" folder.  I'm horrible at crediting where I get pictures, but when I see something that catches my eye, I just gotta SAVE it, ya know?!
1.  A bit of an inside joke with a certain boyfriend of mine makes me really want this tshirt from etsy.com.  2.  When I had a desk, I found myself doing that a lot.  There's just something about sitting on the desk...  3.  I dunno, it's cool.  Plus it's spring and flowers are just around the corner.  4.  Just been thinking about cinnamon buns a lot lately and how good they are (am I right?).  Maybe I'll stop at the bakery down the street soon...  Although 'tis the season for paska...  5.  Hah.
Considering it's a new season, perhaps a new template is in order soon.  I guess you'll have to stay tuned!
