
my toenails are black. my lips, bright pink.

Browsing some of the online blogs that I do, I stumbled across some nifty shoes from Australia called Hobes. Clearly I can't bring myself to believe that I can afford them right now. And besides, I'm already getting a neat pair of vintage leather shoes from my friend when she's back out from Ontario...for only $20.
Anyway- MY goodness, summer's just cruising on through! Have I done anything of major significance? Other than sign the witness papers at my sisters wedding (which rocked) & look awesome while doing so...NO! I was planning on making a trek on out to Toronto, but I think those plans fell through. I think I'm still in school mode where I feel like I have to save up every penny I earn (which is pretty minimal anyway) in the summer to pay for school in the fall. I need to get in the I-have-my-whole-life-to-pay-off-student-loans mode and splurge on a trip or something. It seems that I opted for spending the first handful of years directly after high school geared towards school other than the contrasting option of gleefully blowing money on world adventures. Sure, I got to go to Florida twice with my sports team (also rocked); there is something different, however, about your own travels. (Don't get me wrong, I loved my years of school too, though...I love learning).

My oldest sister suggested to me doing something of significance and blogging about it (kind of like a Julie & Julia experience). I think I'll save us all the pain and avoid culinary endeavours. I think I just need to get some cojones (pronounced ka'hones) and commit to something. I'm not going to mention any ideas I've come up with because it'll just seem like I'm all talk and no action with all the thoughts and zero actual blog entries. I don't wanna be that kind of girl.

But damn is getting out of your comfort zone unnerving.

Or maybe stepping out of your comfort zone with limited funds is what's unnerving... Think about it.


i made this for you

Watch these movies by this guy. If you're not in the right mood, you might not find these funny, but seriously...


she was a real jaw-dropper

My sister was married yesterday and now I have officially gained a new brother!

I have to say it was probably one of the best weddings. This is partially due to the fact that it was one of my best friends getting married, but also due to the fact that I came to some realizations of a few things. Now, I'm not going to go into detail on these things, but I will say that I have definitely come to know that I waste my time concerning myself with so many trivial issues. It must have been a combination of the readings that my sister and my now brother-in-law chose, the homily that was delivered (which was something refreshingly different and eye-opening), & the fact that I am so close with my sister and having seen their love grow over the years, was really able to truly see the love that was exchanged.

I'm no Shakespeare or anything, but I can appreciate a true love story when I see it and when a real love story can impact me to change things or appreciate things in my own life (not even specifically speaking of romance), I think it's something of great worth.

Perhaps I should have seen all this when my first sister got married, but I think I was too young to really, fully comprehend what was taking place.

I've never really been one to go gaga over weddings (no, I do not have mine all planned out), but I figure I can share something a little more valuable with you every now and then rather than just something like the fact that I love my new papasan chair I'm sitting in here in my living room that makes me feel like a kitten when I sit in it.

Anyway- nuff o' that. I'm hungry.

Fun (trivial) Fact of the day: I love getting unexpected phone calls from out of province friends!


my opinion on...

Since I haven't written in almost a week, I figured I could update you on my opinion on a few events/things that I have encountered in the last week here:

Twilight Eclipse: Ummm....guilty pleasure. I watched it with my girl Janelle and it was so good. I haven't read the books, but I WILL. Go ahead, make fun. (FACT-- we saw two late 20-something guys watch this movie when we were there...and no, they did NOT have female accompaniment...so make fun of THEM if you must tease).

Cream Cookies: Eaten far too many with the wedding shower and bachelorette for my sister this past week, but hell are they ever worth it.

Killers: You know, that movie with Katherine Heigel and Ashton Kutcher that I said I'd watch a few posts back (but never got around to watching)? Saw it in cheaps--sorry, miserable fail of a movie.

Manicures: Dunno! Never had one! But I'm going to on Friday!

Tennis: I still haven't swung a racquet this summer, but this coming week is some sort of international world junior tennis tourney at my courts. 18 and under kids are competing at a Wimbledon-type tournament...apparently a handful of the kids showing up from all over the world will be the next "greats"! And I'LL be serving them sandwiches and smoothies etc. (and beer & wine to their parents/scouts/coaches)! They'll owe me when they're famous...

FIFA 2010: I was cheering for Netherlands first and Germany secondly the whole time... But I would just let Manuel do the blog updating on that one haha.

Sisters: My one sister has been out visiting from ALASKA for the past 2ish weeks and it has been lovely having her back in my life. So far I haven't woken up with her routinely pouncing on top of me with a pillow shoved in my face to wake me up suffocation style.....

Hot tubs: Is it weird if I don't think they're the greatest thing on the planet?

Untidiness: If you make the mess, clean your shit up!

Alright, so you've been updated in a basic manner. Blogging seems to be on a slight lull for most of my fellow bloggers. Summer's a busy time!

Fun Fact of the day: I had a dream I forgot to go to Jon & Jenna's wedding! Hooooo boy...can you imagine just forgetting to go to a friends wedding??


extended stay

Organizing weddings and weddingly events is hectic...and it's not even my wedding. I'm rooting for all you planning couples! That's all I'm going to say on that subject.

I went to Wink-town Sunday expecting a beach day with the family. Ended up playing a few unconventional games of bocce ball in the park with my sibs and then my rents pulled up on their motorcycle. Dad wanted to take us go-karting! Well- THAT was a throw back to when I was in...mmm...grade 4 when we went to Drumheller, AB.

I won.

I hadn't expected to stay here overnight, but turns out I'm sticking around til Wednesday morning. Good thing I have an older sister visiting to mooch clothes, etc. off of :)

Well- I just finished watching Pride & Prejudice (BBC 6 hour version) and am off for a spot of Earl Grey with my relations!

Good day to you all!


losing it...

I'm losing my mind. I swear. The past week and a half has been horrible: I've been misplacing everything, forgetting everything...basically suffering from symptoms that only middle aged women should be facing!

Today topped it off when I couldn't find my paycheque as I tore around the house cursing the world....

I found it in the kitchen garbage. Along with my phone bill.

Note: It's bad enough that as I sat here, I had to ask my roommate for the name of the disease that old people suffer from when they forget everything: ALZHEIMER'S. The despressing irony...



a swell season

Wedding count- one more down.

This past Saturday, my little cousin (not so little, only a year younger, but like my little sister) got a ring on it and was hitched. Simple ceremony and a dinner reception with a coffee bar a couple hours after (including a father-in-law who said "mawwage" Princess Bride style). Only downfall? 12 long speeches that made for the longest wedding I've ever been to (and this is excluding dances). Word of advice for all engaged couples: don't let this happen.

(Oh and apparently I'm not doing so well with posting a picture of me and my wedded friend/relative. Sorry.)

Another exciting event that's happened is the fact that my oldest sister is out visiting from ALASKA for the month! So happy to have the whole original 5 of us back together again; and when her hubs comes out at the end of the month too, then we'll be a happy seven (when my other sister gets married at the end of the month to officially add that seventh)!

I feel like I haven't really seen many friends lately (other than a few friends and me running into Eric, Cam, Jen, & Jesse on Canada Day on Os). Sorry! I work a lot of evenings (when everyone else is free) and family's been taking some precedence lately (but you all are still loved). I also feel like I've already mentioned how busy I am in a recent post... But it's TRUE. In fact, my room is in a state that I haven't seen it in since childhood when I stuffed every toy I owned on the other side of my bed when I "cleaned" hoping mum wouldn't notice (fail, by the way).

I think some busyness will simmer down soon and I can find some sort of breathing room (and time to do my other half of laundry). Don't forget about me!! (Thanks for texting me on Saturday Jen ;) haha).

On a final note: FOLK FEST this weekend. Actually- I've never been before, but there are 3
groups that I'd love to see: The Avett Brothers, The Swell Season, and Andrew Bird. I think The Swell Season will
be the most likely candidate, so if anyone is interested in making this little excursion on Friday, let me know!

Fun Fact of the day:
My friend wants me to take German this next year at UofM to go on a basically paid for German exchange for a summer or semester next year.
Definitely considering...