

I'd like to go shopping for:
1. Big knit anything; in this case, a sweet braided head accessory. 2. Elbow patches. There are boys sweaters at our store that have them, and I want some for the ladies! 3. Nautical stripes. Burberry style coats. Nautical stripes with Burberry style coats (with the sleeves poking out).
Fun Fact of the day: Today on Oprah, the entire cast of the Von Trapp family from The Sound of Music was on! So happy. So, so, so, so happy.


paris, j'aime votre travail

Found this crazy story online. It's like something out of the movies! I have this secret love- nay, passionate adoration - for historic architecture and artifacts from this era, so this story was super duper fascinating to me! I would die if I ever got an opportunity like these people did. Read it HERE.
Allors, it is Friday again and I had the day off and tomorrow & Sunday will be work-free as well. I thoroughly enjoyed finally sleeping in and staying in my sweats/hoodie combo til nearly 4 o'clock (awesome, right?). Time to go change the laundry...


all i got are these photographs

Decided to pick up the camera a couple times amidst the business. Nothing fantastic, just quick snaps of my life lately.
A river side fire late one Sunday night
My parents living free
Welcome to the loo
Gluten-Free oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
Xena, the warrior Princess
My roommate, Johnny Appleseed the pothead


there's a reindeer on my sweater

It's Friday night and I can't wait to do nothing tonight. I will sit and read my book and make sure I get a full 8 hours of sleep in tonight. How cool am I!?

Last night, I went out to Prov to watch a basketball game and hang out with some people I hadn't seen in awhile. I got to spend some amazing quality time with one of my bests MEG (this is a shout out to YOU, my girl)! We sat and drank tea and ate pizza and talked to all hours of the night (well, 1:30am) before I had to drive back to Winnipeg to make sure I actually slept enough to get to work in time for 9:30 this morning. Can I just say how much I love this girl!? Sometimes a good talk that covers all aspects of life with a super friend is all one really needs to get some more motivation or inspiration back in life.

Yay for self-realizations!

Ps- I'm pulling a Watchorn and getting injured left and right: tendonitis in my wrist.



to my number one in fall

I'm exhausted, but I can't go to bed without winding down first. So I'll write you a blog!

I just got back from an awesome night where I celebrated my seventh- um, I mean, my FIRST wedding of the FALL season ;) Congratulations to my dear Jen and Jesse! The wedding was so great, from the unique & crafty decor to the short & sweet ceremony to the food to the party-party dance time!

Since it was an evening wedding, I had time to kill during the day where I spent some time browsing the interweb. I came across a wedding video of one of my favourite models (who is Canadian), Coco Rocha, who had her recent wedding in France documented. An absolutely gorgeous location (if only I were wealthy...) and an incredibly creative way to capture the whole experience. It got me revved up and ready to celebrate today!

The first video is a short trailer of what the actual entire video is (which is the second video). I know you'll like this, Jennie. Cam and Kris, this is what you can aspire to do with your wedding video skills!
Off to Winklertown to spend two days off with the parents! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!


tim walker

I discovered Tim Walker while browsing some online blogs awhile back and fell head over heels for his creativity and often whimsical yet wacky style! It's like we've fallen down the rabbit hole ourselves when looking at these photos. I have so many ideas that some might find odd when it comes to what would make a cool photo, but then I look at these types of photos, my mind is so incomparable and makes me just want to get weird (yet classy)! He is a regular photographer for Vogue magazine and I happened to stumble across a photo in my October issue of Vogue (with my girl crush Carey Mulligan on the cover) that looked a lot like his work. Alas, it was his!

To add some awesome coincidence, we have a book at my store that is just a huge compilation of Tim Walker's work...*drool* Now that's the kind of book I'd put on my coffee table (if it wasn't so cluttered).

*Template ADD again...feedback?


no one ever writes songs about being sick

Perfect: for once it turns out that I have two days off in a row right at the point when I get grossly sick (I'm not being sarcastic, it's about time). Well- actually I was supposed to work my last day at my other job yesterday, but for real, is it sanitary for someone to be sneezing all over the food you serve? Ew. So I took my first sick day ever and got to stay snuggled in bed all day yesterday (with a quick movie to close the day) and again I will stay bedridden today. Good thing Roommate bought copious amounts of kleenex lately & my Earl Grey tea is well stocked!

Maybe I'll get lots of Harry Potter reading done! Another bonus is all the awesome shows that air on Thursdays are posted online on Fridays...so I have lots to watch! Or maybe I'll just sleep...

Ps- Happy October! I love fall!