
tim walker

I discovered Tim Walker while browsing some online blogs awhile back and fell head over heels for his creativity and often whimsical yet wacky style! It's like we've fallen down the rabbit hole ourselves when looking at these photos. I have so many ideas that some might find odd when it comes to what would make a cool photo, but then I look at these types of photos, my mind is so incomparable and makes me just want to get weird (yet classy)! He is a regular photographer for Vogue magazine and I happened to stumble across a photo in my October issue of Vogue (with my girl crush Carey Mulligan on the cover) that looked a lot like his work. Alas, it was his!

To add some awesome coincidence, we have a book at my store that is just a huge compilation of Tim Walker's work...*drool* Now that's the kind of book I'd put on my coffee table (if it wasn't so cluttered).

*Template ADD again...feedback?


D said...

1. I love lily cole
2. I love these photographs

This blog inspired me of an old thought I once had about photographers. Like do they plan this out and for all the amateur photogs what do they plan on doing with these photos. I feel it's a lot more planning than the traditional pencil and paper style of art. It seems so volatile. He certainly demonstrates that being a photographer isn't simply taking a picture.

Jillian said...

1. So do I.
2. For real.

Yeah, looking at these photos it's easy to see that photography is a changed medium and it's way more than a shutter-snap. In my media classes, we talked about the changing mediums and whether we're losing certain ones. Photography has evolved so much over the years and so photographers are able to become way more creative than they used to be (look at the technology advances!). Pencil and paper art is a form that has been lost in certain aspects for sure, but I did read an article about it somewhere about how it's trying to be revived again...not that it will ever become an extinct form. It's tough to make a living off of being a photographer (let alone an artist in general) but I think the more creative you can get (which means becoming more vulnerable), the greater your chance at going somewhere with your crazy photo skills! Photographers just use a different means to an end than, say, a sketch artist or painter.
Hopefully this has some relevance to what you said haha.

mannygoossen said...

Sweet template. I need a new one... Hmmmm.

D said...


hopefully that works, and makes your day!