
dots & loops

Second favourite place we visited on our trip had to be Lunenburg, Nove Scotia (from about the early 1700's).  I will dedicate another post specifically on the place.

Dots & Loops was a shop that I had about 1-2 minutes (literally) to look around in as we were running late for wedding decorating back in Chester, NS.  I wish I had found it earlier; it had such neat things!  I wouldn't have minded a souvie from there.


the creep

I have heard complaints lately, especially with the recent formatting changes that have been made, that "facebook is just all about creeping people now."

When has it not been about creeping people?

You consciously make a decision to put your life on the internet (in pictures, comments, personal background info, etc.).  Not for people to see?  Right, I forgot- it's just so you don't forget what your interests are and what you look like and who your friends are and who can present their best life.

You have a select group of people you are "friends" with (about 1 trillion give or take a few...), but yet you still throw out the request for them to unsubscribe to your activity because it's faaaar too public: "Why are so many people invading my privacy on this public social media site on the world wide web??"  If there are friends you don't want seeing what you're up to, why are you friends with them?  (And I don't mean so that you can creep them- don't be hypocritical, that's rude).  Suggestion: stop posting on walls so that everyone can read all the woe's of your life spilled ever so personally to your mentor; I don't know if you knew this, but an inbox message (or email, or text, or phone call) does not include the public eye.

You bet, I am a facebooker.  I experience exactly what you do.  But it's our own fault if people see our lives made public on it by none other than you, the author of your profile & posts.

I get it that more & more non-friends can see your activity, I support the idea that that's unnecessary.
However, facebook-abstinence may be the only way out.



I was fully prepared to end up coming back with zero souvenirs from my trip simply because I was on a strict budget and my pictures would be enough of a memory keepsake.  However, in Peggy's Cove, two lovely ladies (Irene & Grace) had set up a stand with some of their home knittings and when I saw these wool socks, I didn't think twice about taking this little piece of Peggy's Cove back with me to shield my feet from the horrid Winnipeg winters.

As the weather gets cooler here, my body will only thank me.


bay of fundy

If any of you have not had the opportunity to go to the Bay of Fundy, you must!  It has some of the greatest  fluctuations of high to low tides in the world.  I was told that in 6 hours, it will rise/fall 15 meters.  It seems difficult to put that perception into a picture in your head, but I was able to see if for myself and was blown away by the craziness (for lack of a better word) of it.  We saw the "craziness" from Hopewell Rocks, NB which has those highly famous flower-pot rocks (where the tides have eroded the base of the rocks away over the course of the years).

Yes, I took these pictures (below) and they are actually the two same locations documented at both low tide and high tide.  The park wasn't even open when we arrived at 9am and we hung around until about 3pm to see the final stages of the shift.

Also, to blow your mind a little, I will include for you a real time video I took of how fast the water is actually rising.  It'll make you careful of how long you linger in one area for too long...



A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot for the designer, Jane, of Gleem jewelry where the models were nine'd up in clothing from Poppie on Corydon.

It was my first time actually shooting for someone I didn't know!  It was a fun experience since she's just starting to promote her work online and I'm just starting to become more comfortable putting myself out there in order to get behind-the-lens experience; amateurs coming together!  I'll admit I was awful at getting the edited final shots back to her promptly, but major things came up that needed to be dealt with so editing was put on the back burner for awhile and Jane was extremely gracious about it.

It may not have been a campaign for Chanel but it feels extremely rewarding seeing strangers get excited about your work (as evidenced by all three of the models making one of my photos their facebook profile picture).


My dad bought my mom a little scooter recently.  I finally was able to get to their place and take it for a spin.

My roommate also has one and facts are: you can fill it up for approximately $5 (or less!) and that can easily last you 3 weeks.

Moral: I want one.


returned traveller

I'm back from the East coast and it was beautiful!  I'll have more detailed posts about where I went, but I just wanted to let you know that I am back and am sharing a couple of pictures (above) of my favourite spot we visited: Peggy's Cove.  I couldn't bear leaving, but alas, time was short.

This photo (below), is a sneak peak at another historical place we went to...