Changing colours of the leaves
Pine cones
Pumpkin flavoured things at Starbucks
Tea time because it's actually necessary
Snuggly sweaters
The colour palette for fall fashion
Smell of campfires around the neighbourhood
Flannel plaid
Generally, the layering of clothing (in moderation, of course, since it's not winter yet)
Reading cozily on the deck
Movies on the rainy days
How unbelievably fresh the air feels (personal taste season to season, I suppose)
Not sweating 24 hours a day
But also not freezing 24 hours a day
Finally being able to sleep more comfortably (no a/c)
Season premieres of shows (Downton Abbey, here we come!)
Crepes with roommates
For some reason, fresh bread is always better in fall
*crunch, crunch, crunch* (self explanatory)
The back to school feel (even though I'm done)
Wooly socks
Feeling God in the incredible nature around me
Getting married!
(31 days)
These are a few of my favourite things.
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